Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Artificial Intelligence


Artificial Intelligence (English: Artificial Intelligence or AI) is defined as intelligenceexhibited by an artificial entity. Such systems are generally considered to be a computer.Intelligence was created and put into a machine (computer) in order to do the job as dohumans. Several kinds of fields that use artificial intelligence expert systems, among others, computer games (games), fuzzy logic, neural networks and robotics.
Many things that seem difficult for human intelligence, but for Informatics relatively no problem. As an example: transforming the equation, solve the integral equation, making the game of chess or backgammon. On the other hand, it is for humans seems to requirea bit of intelligence, is still difficult to realize in Informatics. As an example: Introduction toObject / Face, playing football.
Although AI has a strong science fiction connotation, AI forms a very important branch ofcomputer science, dealing with behavior, learning and intelligent adaptation in amachine.
Research in AI involves the manufacture of machines to automate tasks requiringintelligent behavior. Including for example the control, planning and scheduling, diagnosisand the ability to answer customer questions, as well as handwriting recognition, voiceand face. Things like that have become separate disciplines, which focus on providingsolutions to problems in real life. AI systems now commonly used in economics, medicine, engineering and military, as it has built in some home computer software applications and video games.
'Artificial intelligence' is not just to understand what intelligence systems. There is nosatisfactory definition for 'intelligence':
1. Intelligence: the ability to acquire knowledge and use it, or
2. Intelligence that is what is measured by an 'Intelligence Test'

Broadly speaking, the AI is divided into two schools of thought namely Conventional AIand Computational Intelligence (CI, Computational Intelligence). Conventional AI mostly involves methods now classified as machine learning, characterized by formalism andstatistical analysis. Also known as symbolic AI, logical AI, AI and AI pure old fashioned way (GOFAI, Good Old Fashioned Artificial Intelligence). Method-the method include:

• Expert systems: the capability to apply judgment to reach conclusions. An expert system can process large amounts of known information and provide conclusions basedon such information.
• considerations based on case
• Bayesian Network
• behavior-based AI: a modular method to the formation of AI systems manually
Computational intelligence involves the development or interactive learning (such asparameter tuning in connectionist systems). Learning is based on empirical data and are associated with non-symbolic AI, AI irregular and soft computing. Basic methods include:
• Neural networks: systems with pattern recognition capabilities are very strong
• Fuzzy systems: techniques for consideration under uncertainty, has been used extensively in modern industrial and consumer product control systems.
• Evolutionary Computation: applying concepts such as biologically inspired population,mutation and the "survival of the fittest" to produce a better solution.
These methods are mainly divided into evolutionary algorithms (eg genetic algorithms)and swarm intelligence (eg ant algorithms). With hybrid intelligent systems, experimentsdesigned to combine these two groups. Expert inference rules can be generated througha neural network or production rules from statistical learning such as the ACT-R. Apromising new approach is mentioned that the strengthening of intelligence to try toachieve artificial intelligence in the process of evolutionary development as a side effectof the strengthening of human intelligence through technology.


In the early 17th century, René Descartes proposed that bodies of animals are nothingbut just complicated machines. Blaise Pascal invents the first mechanical digitalcalculating machine in 1642. At 19, Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace worked onmechanical calculating machines can be programmed.

Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead published Principia Mathematica, which revolutionized formal logic. Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts published "Logical Calculus of Ideas that remain in activity" in 1943 which laid the foundation for neural networks.
The 1950s were a period of active efforts in AI. The first working AI programs were written in 1951 to run the Ferranti Mark I machine at the University of Manchester (UK): agame program script written by Christopher Strachey and a chess program written byDietrich Prinz. John McCarthy coined the term "artificial intelligence" at the firstconference devoted to this subject, in 1956. He also invented the Lisp programminglanguage. Alan Turing introduced the "Turing test" as a way to operationalize a test of intelligent behavior. Joseph Weizenbaum built ELIZA, a chatterbot implementingRogerian psychotherapy. During the 1960s and the 1970s, Joel Moses demonstrated the power of symbolic reasoning for integration problems in the Macsyma program, a successful knowledge-based program first in the field of mathematics. Marvin Minsky and Seymour Papertpublish Perceptrons, demonstrating limits of simple neural networks and AlainColmerauer developed the computer language Prolog. Ted Shortliffe demonstrated the power of rule-based system for knowledge representation and inference in medical diagnosis and therapy are sometimes referred to as the first expert system. HansMoravec developed the first computer controlled vehicle to address the tangled streetsberintang independently.
In the 1980s, is widely used neural network with back propagation algorithm, was firstdescribed by Paul John Werbos in 1974. In the 1990s marked a big acquisition invarious fields of AI and demonstrations of various applications. More specifically DeepBlue, a chess computer, beat Garry Kasparov in a game 6 of the famous game in 1997.DARPA stated that the costs saved through the application of AI methods for schedulingunit in the first Gulf War had to replace the entire investment in AI research since 1950 onthe U.S. government.
Great DARPA challenge, which began in 2004 and continues to this day, is a race for $ 2million prize where the vehicle driven without communication with humans, using GPS,computers and sophisticated sensor array, several hundred miles across the desert areais challenging.


The debate about the strong AI with weak AI is still a hot topic amongst AI philosophers.This involves thinking and philosophy of mind-body problem. Roger Penrose in his bookThe Emperor's New Mind and John Searle with a thought experiment "space China"argued that the awareness of the true can not be achieved by a system of formal logic,while Douglas Hofstadter in Gödel, Escher, Bach and Daniel Dennett in Consciousness Explained to show support for the functionalist. In the opinion of many supporters of AIare powerful, consciousness-made is considered as uric sacred (holy grail) artificial intelligence.


In science fiction, AI is generally described as a future force that will try to overthrowhuman authority as in HAL 9000, Skynet, Colossus and The Matrix, or a humanresemblance to deliver services such as C-3PO, Data, the Bicentennial Man, theMechas in AI or Sonny in I Robot. The nature of AI world domination is inevitable,sometimes called "the Singularity", is also contradicted by several science writers likeIsaac Asimov, Vernor Vinge and Kevin Warwick. In a work like the manga Ghost in theShell was the Japanese, questioned the existence of intelligent machines as the definition of living organism is more than just a category of a broader independent entity, establish the concept ofsystemic intelligence that has an idea. See a list of fictional computers (list of fictionalcomputers) and a list of fictional robots and android (list of fictional robots and androids).
Television series BBC Blake's 7 highlight a number of computer savvy, including Zen(Blake's 7), the computer controls the aircraft stars Liberator (Blake's 7); ORAC,supercomputing up a high level in the box perspex portable with the ability to think andeven predict the future; and Slave, computers on the plane Scorpio star.

This is Video example Artificial Intelligence

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